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8 Reasons: Hartals are Fun !

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Hartals can be considered as a festival that unites everyone of our place. No other festival is as interesting as a hartal. The biggest bonus is that it comes without a prior notice and is a wonderful surprise.

- Traffic rules can be happily and frankly ignored on a Hartal day. Be it riding your bike without a helmet or taking your whole family on a motorbike, there is a rarest of the rare chance of getting fined. 

- Getting a day off from the work or school or college, what is more enthralling than a surprise holiday? It is indeed a matter of celebration rather than a type of protest.

- Be it the bus stand or the public roads, all the place is your play ground for the day. You can either play hide n seek in the bus stand or play a game of cricket on the roads. All the complaints of not having a public park is solved here. 

- You can happily practice your riding skills and freestyles on any of the free stretches of roads. The highways and straight stretches are all left free for your masthi on a hartal day. 

- Hunting for an open shop that sells snacks on a hartal day is a wonderful game that everyone has to give a try. And finding one open brings that priceless smile onto your face. What more? The shop keeper seems to be a savior to the hungry you.  

- Street vendors, peanut sellers, ice cream vendors and the road side eateries are all the most active on a hartal day. They are yummier than anything on a hartal day. Just move away from the city stretches and you will start finding lots of them.

- This is one free day that you can sit and watch all your favorite TV shows, movies and programmes. What is more exciting is that the TV channels broadcast special programmes and newer movies as it is definitely a day that has the highest number of viewers. Ads are also more in number and expensive on hartal day.

- The best part is that this is purely Indian and Made in India. Yes, it is definitely our contribution to the world. And is the best celebrated in India. To be precise the state with the highest literacy rate, Kerala. 

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